For all other applications the processing fee is £ 120 ($ 200), which may be paid by personal cheque, bank draft, postal order or travelers cheque made payable to University of Oxford ( SBS). 只有少数学校会通知的,学生交纳申请费可以购买汇票或者使用信用卡支付,以下是部分需要交纳申请费的专业。
Pay to the Agent a commission equivalent to one per cent ( 1%) of the purchase money ( subject to a minimum charge of HK$ 10,000.00) in cash or by cashier order or cheque. 以现金或银行本票或支票缴付购买价百分之壹(最低收费为港币壹万元正)作为佣金予代理人。
A draft is simply an order to pay, isn't it? Like a cheque? 汇票只是要求付款的票据,是不是?象支票一样吗?
Method of payment: payment can be made by bank draft, money order, certified cheque, credit card or cash to be paid to Canada International college. 付款方式:付款可通过银行汇票,汇款单,支票,信用卡或者现金直接转给加拿大阳光国际学院。
Please post the original order form with a crossed cheque to the Council. 请再将已传真之表格正本?同划线支票邮寄至本协会。
In order to meet the requirements of preprocessing of Chinese cheque image recognition, this paper studied several binarization algorithms. 根据中文支票识别的预处理过程中提取特定目标的需要,研究了多种二值化算法在预处理中的效果。